Posted on 10 Oct 22 by Aiden Sobey
Find out how we built a serverless Data Lake in AWS using Go.
At KZN one of our primary specialties is cloud-native data engineering. Python is often our language of choice for this work, for a few good reasons:
However on a recent pull request, a senior developer commented ‘Is Python actually the best tool for the job here?’. While it’s a simple question, it did make me think- just because everyone uses Python for data wrangling, is it actually the best solution? At KZN we are largely language agnostic, and if there is a compelling reason to use a different language or framework to solve a particular problem, then we are free to explore that. Go is a very popular up-and-coming language that gets a lot of attention (plus I recently read that it’s one of the fastest languages to run on Lambda), and so I asked the question-
And if I can, how does the experience compare to the popular jock on the block- Python. I wanted to identify what the strengths and weaknesses are, what are the limitations etc.
KZN is a strong believer in not re-inventing the wheel, so the first thing I did was search. Has anyone already built a serverless data lake in Go?
I quickly came across lakeFS, which is a platform (written in Go) that is used to set up and manage a Data Lake. While what they have built looks like a very cool concept that we will have to test out in a seperate piece of work, there was a key condition that it did not satisfy: It’s not serverless.
For a lot of clients that we engage with, as well as internally, this does not fit with the value proposition of Cloud that we pitch. I’d like to stay consistent with what we preach, so I called this excuse enough to continue on with my experiment. The blog would also be a little lackluster if I ended it here.
That said, I need to make a quick disclosure- this is a Proof of Concept, not a refined product. For this blog we are going to leverage DynamoDB which isn’t often used in Data Lakes. We’re also going to do a bare minimum of actual data transformations. That’s because the focus of this piece of work is to explore Go’s general ability in handling data, not the ins and outs of its DataFrame library.
All code produced for this project is published open source.
Who knows. Tagging you in AWS.
It’s all well and good to build something, but things often pan out better if we first air out a clear idea of what we want to build and what we would like to achieve. The requirements I set myself for this project was:
If we’re building a data lake, we also need data. Radical critical thinking, I know. For this project I will be using a free open data set detailing Russian losses of equipment in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict.
For this project, data acquisition is out of scope. In the real world we would implement a lambda that reaches out to our source system and pulls data on a suitable schedule (or we would have a source system that extracts data directly to S3). I don’t have that much time, so I’m going to manually drop the CSV file into S3 and automate just the Data Lake portion of the work.
So, our basic data lake design will be:
While quite simple, this hits a few classic use cases that we see internally and with our clients- multiple S3 zones, data partitioning, use of parquet for efficient storage and retrieval, and serverless databases.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
First off I’m going to define the S3 bucket structure that all of our data will sit in. While you could create a bucket for each zone for greater data isolation, this is quite a small application so i’m going to create one bucket and define each zone as a sub-folder within that bucket. Our folder structure will look like:
Looking at the structure of our bucket, there are a few things worth noting:
path.Partitioning the data in Curated allows us to have a full history of what was uploaded to the Data Lake and when. As files can be overwritten in Landing we can’t guarantee a full history of data there, so Curated is our archival point. Extra benefit is added here because our data in Curated is compressed and stored as parquet, which is a much more effective storage medium.
To create and deploy our AWS resources using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and best practices, we are going to leverage the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This free software allows us to write high-level IaC and deploy it easily through the command line. All software written in this blog post is available in our public GitHub repo, called go-go-data-lake- a reference to a childhood TV show ‘Inspector Gadget’, who could summon any tool he needed by saying ‘go go …’.
The code showing all of the resources we create and how they hang together can be seen in our stack definition here. For the sake of this blog I’m only going to detail the Go-related components that took significant work to iron out. So, let’s quickly build and deploy a Go lambda function using CDK.
Ten hours of googling and coding later…
Easy. Lets take a look at what we have:
const convertLambda = new GoLambda(this, 'convert-lambda', {
sourceFolder: path.join(__dirname, '../src/convert'),
memorySize: 256,
timeout: Duration.minutes(1),
Wow! That’s so simple and easy to use. Is a high level construct like this really provided off the bat by AWS?
Absolutely not. That’s the result of two days of furious copy pasting off StackOverflow right there. Luckily for you, I’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to. From this blog post, we have published a highly reusable construct for you to create your own Golang lambdas, as easy as we have above. Check out the code you need to use right here. Use freely.
The GoLambda class is a very basic wrapper around the standard Lambda function provided by AWS. We accept the user parameters that are (usually) passed in, and set certain properties that need to be correct for Go to work on Lambdas.
What’s really going on behind the scenes is we instruct CDK to ‘bundle’ the application for us. This means doing a go build
to construct an executable, then zipping it up and sending it to the cloud to be used as the execution root for our Lambda. Cross-compilation should succeed from any linux box as long as you have Docker installed.
The purpose of this lambda function is to:
file from the Landing bucketparquet
format, partitioned by dateIn our actual implementation, we can break these tasks down a little more:
file from S3 to Lambdacsv
to local parquetparquet
to S3AWS publishes a Go package aws-sdk-go
which is well documented and easy to use here. There are even sub-modules s3
and s3/s3manager
that make life easier for us. Let’s take a look at the use case of downloading a file from S3:
func downloadS3(bucket string, key string) string {
file, err := os.Create("/tmp/file.csv")
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
downloader := s3manager.NewDownloader(awsSession)
_, err = downloader.Download(file,
Bucket: aws.String(bucket),
Key: aws.String(key),
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%v downloaded to %v", key, file.Name())
return file.Name()
Most of what we see here is cleanup and error handling. AWS provided construct s3manager
allows us to specify a locally open file, then a bucket & key to download and does the rest of the dirty work for us. This was the preferred solution as the package is built & maintained by AWS so we don’t have to worry about it becoming out of date or failing to support future versions. Uploading is done very similarly, except instead of instantiating a s3manager.NewDownloader
, we create a s3manager.NewUploader
. Crazy wacky syntax that couldn’t be guessed! If you want to see the full implementation for this file conversion, look here.
It’s worth noting the helper
module that gets referenced here. This is a static helper class that I put together to clean up the main code file a bit. Almost definitely not the best way to structure this project, but I’m racing against the clock dammit.
The main package we leveraged for this was parquet-go. This is, by the way, one of the best documented and easy to understand packages i’ve ever worked with. Great README, dozens of real-world examples included in code.
For this example, I’m using variables and methods not set up here- for the full code see here.
parquet-go allows us write custom interfaces into parquet files, which is just awesome. Let me explain why. I can define the schema of the CSV i’m reading as:
type Row struct {
Name string
Age int32
When i’m then reading the CSV I can cast each row into an interface of that type:
for {
line, err := reader.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
row := Row{
Name: line[0],
Age: ParseInt32(line[1]),
So the current row has been converted into a Row
type. Then, that object can be written to my parquet file using:
Which is too good to be true! Literally. There’s a problem here. Let’s rewind a little.
Data lakes accept both structured and unstructured data. Generally as we move through zones, unstructured data becomes structured. A random CSV file dropped in S3 doesn’t have structure, but if we’re going to move it into a database (or a typed data format like parquet) then we need to provide it structure. And how is structure provided? Through metadata! In our use case, metadata is added to parquet files using metadata on the interface object. Which means our structure definition now becomes:
type Row struct {
Name string `parquet:"name=name, type=BYTE_ARRAY, convertedtype=UTF8"`
Age int32 `parquet:"name=age, type=INT32, convertedtype=INT_32"`
“But wait!”, you say, “I don’t know what values to put there!”
No worries, parquet-go documentation has you well and truly covered. If I can understand it, then you definitely can.
A quick point worth noting while we’re here- the AWS-published Python package aws-wrangler does auto-detection of data types, so if we were using Python here we wouldn’t have to manually specify any of this typing data!
We now have structured data in the Curated zone. For the next step in our small, proof-of-concept data lake, I want to upload this data to DynamoDB. I’ve chosen Dynamo as it is serverless and represents a different storage medium that is quick and cheap to spin up in my limited time frame. I also want to test Go’s ability to integrate with more AWS services.
For this exercise, we will implement a Go Lambda that does the following:
We are not doing any crazy or meaningful data science here- just experimenting with different storage mediums and how each service integrates with the Go SDKs. But, if we did want to do real data engineering here and apply filtering, joining etc, then I would apply gota, which is a DataFrame concept implemented in Go. It allows us to do a lot of the basic stuff that Pandas & PySpark does.
Cue more furious googling & coding
Great! That was far less painful than writing to parquet. Now that the structure to our data was already in the parquet, we didn’t have to worry too much about carrying typing data around. Luckily we could (pretty much) throw it straight up into DynamoDB. First lets look at the TypeScript CDK that defines our new Go function:
const dynamoLambda = new GoLambda(this, 'dynamo-lambda', {
sourceFolder: path.join(__dirname, '../src/dynamo'),
memorySize: 256,
timeout: Duration.minutes(1),
environment: {
TABLE_NAME: database.tableName
bucket.grantRead(dynamoLambda, 'curated/*');
Pretty simple right? Only major change here is that we pass in an environment variable, so we know which DynamoDB table we are writing into. Past that it’s standard permissions stuff- ability to read from the Curated zone and write to DynamoDB.
Boiled down, we read our parquet file using the same package we used to write it:
func readParquet(bucket string, key string) []Row {
localPath := downloadS3(bucket, key)
fr, err := local.NewLocalFileReader(localPath)
if err != nil {
pq, err := reader.NewParquetReader(fr, new(Row), 1)
if err != nil {
rowCount := int(pq.GetNumRows())
rows := make([]Row, rowCount)
if err = pq.Read(&rows); err != nil {
return rows
Lets explain the code a little. First we download the parquet file to a local path. Then we open it for reading- just to provide an input buffer that can be fed into the ParquetReader. We point the ParquetReader at our buffer, and tell it we expect objects to have a structure of Row
- the struct we defined at the top of our class.
On line 15 we create rows
, which is initialised so the memory behind it is all reserved and set up for us. Then, we just read the data into rows
. Really very simple thanks to all the great packages made available to us.
Now that we have an array of Row objects, we just need to PUT those items into DynamoDB:
func writeToDynamo(dynamo *dynamodb.DynamoDB, rows []Row) {
for _, row := range rows {
av, err := dynamodbattribute.MarshalMap(row)
if err != nil {
input := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{
Item: av,
TableName: aws.String(tableName),
_, err = dynamo.PutItem(input)
if err != nil {
This is, again, made easy thanks to some public examples that AWS has published. Using the public SDK we simply connect to Dynamo, then pass it our list of items and it handles the rest. We love others doing the hard work for us!
So once our code is deployed and tested, I head into the DynamoDB console to query our table and…
Voila! Our data has made it into the final zone of our POC data lake! Smells like success to me.
Basic data lakes (and data ponds) absolutely can be implemented in Go. There is a variety of community tooling to pick from, all of which is reasonably well developed and stable. We did not hit any blockers or unresolvable issues in this experiment, but we also didn’t do any gnarly data wrangling.
If used in a company-wide Data Lake that has to accept a wide variety of inputs and needs real calculations to be done, Go would probably be suited to solving some of your problems. Using it as your de-facto language will probably cost more time than it saves, but there are some smaller problems that would be very well suited to using Go.
cdk synth
, it could take up to 10 minutes for the Docker image to download all the Go dependencies doing a go build
. Seriously painful when a Python synth takes ten seconds in comparison. I would love to see dependency caching implemented by CDK here.GO1_X
runtime provided by AWS, the Lambda can only run on AMD processors. As ARM instances are 30% cheaper (and as Go runs fine on ARM…) it would be great for ARM to be supported. An alternative would be packaging a custom runtime.